Friday, December 2, 2016

New Zealand - Christchurch & the Earthquake

Those days you feel like you want to go somewhere new so you just do it! Well this was a trip to certainly remember.
Never in my life have I felt more scared and helpless.. I arrived early hours of the morning on Sunday then the following night I was woken up by the feeling of someone constantly moving around in a bed. Soon realising that is was an actual earthquake, lasting about 2 minutes in total that actually felt like 10 minutes. Apparently this was kind of a normal thing for people that live here in Christchurch, however not usually lasting that long which scared me even more at the time knowing that one had never been that long before!
 I was then woken up about 2 hours later to loud sirens going off and a knock on my door.. Tsunami warning, it seriously felt like something you would see on the movies.
 We all had to leave the house and try and go in land away from the beach as where I was staying was about 1km away from the water.
 The roads were jam packed and the traffic wasn't even moving, i think my body went into shock as I couldn't string a sentence together and my legs wouldst stop shaking. I was just imagining a huge gush of water to come flooding through from behind us.
 After what felt like hours, we finally made it further inland to a friends house. I still didn't feel safe, as we were only 14km away still and waters can potentially go past 16km.
 After staying up all night watching the news fearing for my life and saying my potential goodbyes to my loved ones on the phone, it looked as though there was no tsunami coming our way :/ Thank god.
 The rest of my time was beautiful there though, Ive never seen such green land it brought back memories of being in the highlands in Scotland.
 There are so many cute cafes, definitely the best fish and chips and the scenery is spectacular in most places and Im pretty sure the people that live there are some of the nicest people I've met in the world!
However my next visit to New Zealand will be Queenstown :) apparently this is a must do!

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